Sunday 17 April 2011

Crime Rate (Increasing) And Solution For Them

Now days, crime rate is rising day by day every one wants to earn money by hook or crook. Now days there is no fear of laws and regulation in people minds.
this is so because many reasons..according to me:
1) Corruption
2) Drugs and Alcohols
3) People doing show off can give adverse effect to a common man.
4) Parents not concerned about their children do not pay attention towards their children.
5) Depression
6) Pressure
7) Mental Weakness
8) Family Problems

These all are the major reasons of increase in crime but there are no laws for them. And even cannot be made. As all we know there is only one way to over come those problem improve yourself. If u really want to over come those problems we at our own place have to do something. if you are good at your place try to make others good. As we say in Hindi AAP BHALE TO JAG BHALA. So we should all come together toward this major problems as YOU & ME are also suffering from this problem. And in future if we want to get rid of it. we should join our hand together and come forward if there is a way we will find one if there is none we will make one. And now days every one can tell what is happening and can point that if that is wrong. No one will go down and clean that impurity or wrong things and even cannot tell the solutions. And even how can he its
 a big govt. procedure no one will waste his precious time in telling that and the person not even sure about his views  if it is going to b listened by head or govt or not. This is Indian democracy people say we all are free I say we are not. government is just looking to get profits and profits from every where if someone rises his or her voice is killed. this is fact for example. Mahatma Gandhi Killed by Nathu Ram Godse. okei we can understand that it might be a agression of  people who are in favour of Bhagat Singh and dont wanted that Gandhi ji Should sign the british agreement.  But what was the reason of killing Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi and it is not even in our country we should take the example of First prime minister of Congo in Africa was killed by his rivals firstly he was shot dead and after killing his body was corpse in sulphuric acid and teeth was burried in earth. beacause he was trying to do the betterment of the country. why dont we people gather at one place to sought out such problems.I request Your first priority is your country dont think that doing some thing for your native land is time waste change your thinking if your country got destroyed you are automatically destroyed.We must support people who try to do something for our country as unity is strength and if he or she get alone will be killed and b made history.But we are not here to make good history we are trying and we have to make good future.